Las Vegas Inhabitants: | City 604.000, Agglomeration 1.986.000 |
Time zone: | Pacific Time Zone. Same time as Los Angeles, but 3 hours behind New York and 9 hours behind Central Europe during the month of July (Scandinavia, Germany, France, Italy, BeNeLux, e.t.c) |
Climate: | Dry desert climate with an average temperature for July between 78 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit and 26 to 40 degrees Celsius. |
State: | Nevada |
Visa: | Most non-American citizens need a visa to visit the USA. Thirty five, mostly Western European countries, participate in the Visa Waiver Program. Citizens from these countries do not need a visa. For more information on visa’s please click on the following link: |
Tourists: | Las Vegas attracts about 38 million visitors per year of which around 80 % is from California. |
Distances: | Las Vegas-Los Angeles 272 miles (437 km), Las Vegas-Phoenix 295 miles (474 km), Las Vegas-Grand Canyon 277 miles (446 km) |